59 research outputs found


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    In dit artikel wordt de opbouw van elektrische netten besproken. Na een historisch overzicht wordt de opbouw van het elektriciteitsnet toegelicht. Men onderscheidt een hoogspanningsnet dat hoofdzakelijk dient voor het transport van de elektrische energie over grote afstanden en een laagspanningsnet dat dient voor distributie van elektrische energie naar de eindklanten. Het bestaande net is opgebouwd vanuit een eenrichtingsconcept, namelijk van grote centrale productie-eenheden naar verdeelde gebruikers. Recente ontwikkelingen zorgen ervoor dat nu ook decentraal geproduceerd wordt door bijvoorbeeld zonnepanelen of wkk-systemen. Deze uitdagingen voor het net worden binnen dit artikel verder toegelicht

    Harmonic effects on induction and line start permanent magnet machines

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    Power Electronics (PE) are implemented in a wide variety of appliances, either to increase its controllability or energy efficiency, or simply because a DC supply is needed. The massive integration of rectifiers has resulted in a decrease of the supply voltage quality. Although PE have enabled the end user to control electrical machines, the resulting distortion inversely affects Direct On-Line (DOL) machines. In this paper a review is presented of the influence of these supply anomalies on Induction Motors (IM). The suggested problems have already been subject of much study. However, as new DOL technologies are emerging, for example Line Start Permanent Magnet Machines or Induction Generator systems, the influence of supply distortion on these systems should also be considered. This paper will present a comprehensive overview of the loss mechanisms, the magnitude of the losses and the impact of these losses on operation of IM, LSPMM and IG

    Comparitive study of the influence of harmonic voltage distortion on the efficiency of induction machines versus line start permanent magnet machines

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    Induction machines have nearly reached their maximal efficiency. In order to further increase the efficiency the use of permanent magnets in combination with the robust design of the induction machine is being extensively researched. These so-called line start permanent magnet machines have an increased efficiency in sine wave conditions in respect to standard induction machines, however the efficiency of these machines is less researched under distorted voltage conditions. This paper compares the influence of harmonic voltage distortion and the phase angle of the harmonic content on the overall motor efficiency of line start permanent magnet machines and induction machines

    Influence of grid configuration on current conducting behaviour in PV installations

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    On the roof of an industrial site a 385 kWp PhotoVoltaic installation is operational. When production of this system reaches 60% of the installed power, the circuit breaker trips. At sufficient production, measurements show a high distortion of phase voltage and variable waveform of both phase voltage and current. Analysis of the installation showed that a Yy0 transformer is used introducing a high zero sequence impedance. Unbalance in the injected current combined with a high zero sequence impedance leads to a high neutral-ground voltage and distorted phase-neutral voltages. In this paper it will be shown that the tripping of the circuit breaker is caused by the measurement method of the device. This paper analyses the practical measurement results, causes of errors and the solution to the stated problem

    Technical SWOT analysis of decentralised production for low voltage grids in Flanders

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    The increasing energy prices, combined with high funding by the government, has resulted in a massive integration of decentralised electrical energy production units in Belgium. These systems are mainly PhotoVoltaic systems and the sudden increase of both number and power ratio of the DG systems has put additional stress on the distribution network. In this paper a technical SWOT analysis is presented. The researchers believe that the solution to decompress the stress can result in additional benefits for both, end user and distribution network operators

    Impact of voltage distortion on energy efficiency of induction machines and line start permanent magnet machines

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    Maximum power injection acceptance in a residential area

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    The number of installed distributed generation (DG) in residential areas rapidly increases, specifically in the form of photovoltaics (PV), causing some undesired side effects such as voltage rise. Overvoltage can damage critical loads, but is also disadvantageous for the owner because inverters switch off in case of overvoltage, resulting in output loss. Voltage limits are investigated through calculation and simulation of the voltage profile in a typical low voltage (LV) grid by using load data. Insolation data is used for the particular case of PV. This paper presents practical guidelines for the maximum power acceptance in a residential distribution network and the estimation of PV production loss due to overvoltage

    The opportunities of two-phase hybrid stepping motor back EMF sampling

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    By counting the step command pulses, stepping motors can be straightforwardly used for open loop positioning. However, open-loop control is often insufficient to guarantee accurate and energy efficient movements. More intelligent stepping motor algorithms can meet these concerns, however, this requires position information. The back EMF signal contains useful information on the rotor position. This information can be used to monitor the motor condition and to implement a more advanced position control algorithm. A theoretical analysis gives insight into the back EMF generated in a two-phase hybrid stepping motor. In this paper a, by the authors, patented sampling method is considered to measure the back EMF signal. The opportunities of this method are considered theoretically. Moreover this paper presents extensive measurement results proving the opportunities of the method, to develop more intelligent stepping motor algorithms
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